Our Approach

Conscious of global trends such as the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the enactment of the Paris Agreement, we too are looking to identify environmental problems and have taken a long-term perspective to promote the implementation of environmental initiatives.

The azbil Group works to reduce the burden on the environment caused by our own business activities, and at the same time we utilize the technologies and know-how gleaned from those efforts. By harnessing measurement and control technology to help our customers to find solutions for their environmental challenges, we promote greater efforts to conserve the environment through our core businesses, thereby leading to the realization of sustainable society.

As a system for advancing environmental measures, the international azbil Group Environmental Committee,headed by the executive officer for aG Environmental Protection Innovation, meets three times a year to plan,deliberate on, and review each Group company’s environment-related systems, considering both risks and opportunities.

In June 2020, the azbil Group announced its participation in the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) Challenge Zero proposal aimed at promoting innovation that will contribute to achieve a decarbonized society.* The world has seen many changes in society with the spread of COVID-19, from new ways of living to new ways of working, so we are reviewing and examining how to respond to the changing conditions with measures to deal with energy consumption, solutions to society’s problems through products and services, and implementation of environmental conservation activities.

* Visit Keidanren’s Challenge Zero website for two examples of our efforts, our virtual power plant (VPP) business, which integrates and controls various energy resources using our automatic demand response system, and our effort to reduce global CO2 emissions through the development and spread of our RENKEI control technology.
(challenge-zero web site:https://www.challenge-zero.jp/en/


Our determination to preserve the environment. as mentioned in the Group philosophy, is spelled out in two objectives in the azbil Group Basic Environmental Policy. On the basis of the Basic Environmental Policy, The a bil Group has formulated specific priority measures for the environment related to four different aspects of the problem.

Two environmental objectives

To help to achieve a sustainable society:

● We will continuously reduce the environmental impact of our own business activities.

●We will proactively offer solutions for the environmental challenges faced by our customers and society based on our measurement and control technologies.

azbil Group Basic Environmental Policy / Rules for Environmental Preservation/ Environmental Policy
Measures in Environmental Initiatives

Bringing the furuits of our own energy-saving efforts to our customers and society

To better provide its cutting-edge technologies and know-how, the azbil Group uses its office buildings and production facilities around the world as proof-of-concept sites. By reducing the CO2 emissions from its own business operations. and making its technologies more sophisticated through various initiatives and studies. the azbil Group is making every effort to solve the environmental problems confronting work sites and society.

Helping to reduce the environmental impact of customers and society
CO2 emission reduction
at customers’ sites
million metric tons of CO2

*Please refer for details on the estimations

Bringing the furuits of our own energy-saving efforts to our customers and society
CO2 emissions
at the Group's businesses
metric tons of CO2

*Azbil Corp., consolidated subsidiaries in Japan, and main manufacturing bases overseas

Contributing to the environment through our core businesses