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Environmental Policy / Priority Measures

Based on the azbil Group Basic Environmental Policy, we are working to reduce the environmental impact of our own business, and to solve the environmental problems of our customers and society.

Our Approach

To help to achieve a sustainable society, we will be a company that applies our unique business models to proactively provide solutions for environmental problems.

azbil Group Basic Environmental Policy / Rules for Environmental Preservation / Environmental Policy

Each group company acts to preserve the environment in accordance with the azbil Group Rules for Environmental Preservation and the environmental policy it formulates based on the azbil Group Basic Environmental Policy.

Measures in Environmental Initiatives

Toward the realization of a sustainable society, we have established environmental measures addressing the four issues of reducing CO2, using resources with care, living in harmony with nature, and providing eco-friendly products.

Environmental Objectives, Targets and Results

Report on the results of environmental preservation action and environmental management targets.

Dialogue with a person outside of the aG regarding environmental initiatives

Professor Kaori Fujita , Tohoku University Green Future Creation Organization, Graduate School of Life Sciences, has has provided his independent opinion about the environmental initiatives of the azbil Group (aG).