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Initiatives in FY 2016

Results for FY2016 and Future Plans

In FY2016, the volume of CO2 emissions from the azbil Group’s operations was 41% lower than the level ten years earlier.

In addition to CO2 emissions under our control (Scope 1 and 2), we will pinpoint CO2 emissions from corporate activities overall (Scope 3) for use in Design for the Environment and other initiatives.

CO2 Emissions (Scope 1, 2) and CO2 Emissions per Unit Sales
CO2 Emissions (Scope 3) (for Fiscal Year 2016)
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Verification Statement

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Verification Statement
(Click here for more detail)

Initiatives in FY2016

azbil Group’s Energy-Saving Initiatives

We have introduced our own energy management solution, which allows everyone from the company president to individual employees to share the same information, at 14 bases in Japan and two overseas. This product enables top management to understand the amount of energy used at each site and utilize this information as a tool to promote environment-oriented management globally.

With the ability to visualize the amounts of electricity, gas,and other energy consumed, managers at each site can plan and implement specific energy-saving measures, check the results in real time, and make continuous improvements.

By expanding our visualization system to Azbil Control Instruments (Dalian) Co., Ltd. and Azbil Production (Thailand) Co., Ltd., we are promoting effective energy-saving measures within our global production system.

azbil Group Sites Using Our Visualization System


Past initiatives

Reducing Society’s Impact on the Environment

We strive not only to reduce the CO2 emissions from our own business activities, but also to provide products and solutions that help our customers to reduce their burden on the environment.
For details, see “Reducing Society’s Impact on the Environment.”