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Environmental Education

Environmental Education for Employees

We implement and continuously revise education for each job function and department in order to encourage understanding of our management systems and encourage environmental awareness. To encourage understanding of management systems and raise environmental awareness, we implement and continuously revise education for each job function and department, such as training at each organization, training based on job function, and specialized training. Specialized training includes our original training for internal auditors and training for employees before they are posted to overseas units that aims to promote environmental preservation activities at our overseas units. We also offer environmental education for all employees and their families through various events and our own environmental news in order to further develop his/her environmental awareness.

In fiscal year 2023, we strengthened environmental education at our overseas subsidiaries. An educational program was presented to a total of 1,883 employees at 18 locations. Some content original to each overseas subsidiary was added to the core curriculum.

Environmental Education Structure

Environmental Education Record for Fiscal Year 2023

Category Course Content Total number of
Total number of
Training at each
Training of environmental
preservation activities
10,585 2,739
Training based on
job grade
Training for new employees,
mid-career employees, etc.
99 99
Internal auditor training
Training for employees being
posted to overseas units
367 1,191

Scope: Azbil Corporation’s three main facilities (Fujisawa Technology Center, Shonan Factory, and Hadano Office) and Azbil Taishin Co., Ltd.
Note: The above-mentioned figures were calculated according to the contents of the training, training time, and number of participants.