Azbil's Shonan Factory and Hadano Distribution Center to Purchase 100% Renewable Electricity
– Aiming for Substantially Zero GHG Emissions by 2050 –

TOKYO, May 12, 2022: Azbil Corporation (Tokyo Stock Exchange Code: 6845) announced that it has started purchasing 100% renewable electricity at its Hadano Distribution Center in April 2022 and at its Shonan Factory in May 2022.

Toward its "2050 Long-Term Vision for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions" of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to substantially zero by 2050, Azbil has set the goal of reducing GHG emissions associated with its business activities by 55% (from base year 2017) by 2030, which was approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)*1 as meeting the requirement for achieving the organization’s aim of keeping global temperature increase below 1.5 degrees Celsius compared with pre-industrial levels. To achieve this goal, Azbil is applying various energy-saving technologies cultivated in the course of its business and in experimental projects, and is promoting the use of renewable energy.

In promoting renewable energy, Shonan Factory, which is Azbil’s main production base, and Hadano Distribution Center have started purchasing 100% renewable electricity. These two locations account for 19% of the total electricity used in the azbil Group (according to fiscal year 2020 results). With the newly announced amounts added to the renewable energy that is already used, 38% of the electricity used by the azbil Group is renewable. This is a significant step toward achieving carbon neutrality in the azbil Group.

Additionally, the purchase of renewable energy at these locations reduces the GHG emissions involved in manufacturing, making it the first step toward providing more decarbonized products. This will also contribute to the achievement of carbon neutrality throughout the supply chain for customers and society.

Shonan Factory

Shonan Factory

Guided by its philosophy of “human-centered automation,” the azbil Group aims to make contributions that lead “in series” to the achievement of a sustainable society, that secure its own sustainable growth, and that continue to advance specific initiatives.

*1 The SBTi is a collaboration between the CDP, World Resources Institute, World Wide Fund for Nature, and United Nations Global Compact, and helps corporations achieve science-based targets (SBT) for reducing GHG emissions that keep global temperature increase below 1.5 degrees Celsius compared with pre-industrial levels (their previous aim was to keep the increase well below 2 degrees Celsius).

* Posted information is accurate as of the date of announcement.


For media inquiries
Robert Jones / Hirohito Naito
Public Relations Section, Azbil Corporation
Phone: +81-3-6810-1006 Email: