*Energy Service Company

Contract types and Service procedures

Our ESCO Service
What to begin with?

It may be the greatest worry for customers who are considering facility investment for curtailment of energy expenditure that they cannot be fully assured in advance whether a return on their investment is really yielded. Our ESCO service removes this worry as it guarantees energy cost reduction to a certain amount that will be set based on preliminary diagnoses.
(See " Contract types and Service procedures" for more details.)

We can offer consultation and guidance concerning financing for initial facility investment.

Our service has another advantage. On 16th February, 2005, the Kyoto Protocol came into force as an international law prescribing frameworks to slow down global warming. With this, awareness of the need for specific measures to prevent disastrous impacts of global warming has been growing internationally.
As the first, important step, it is necessary to grasp current emission of greenhouse gases. Our ESCO service can help corporate managers to grasp the current conditions of energy usage, introduce appropriate energy management, and reduce energy consumption and thereby enables them to contribute to environment protection that is now considered as their duty to society.

Azbil Corporation strongly recommends customers with confidence to introduce our ESCO service that realizes energy cost reduction without extra burden on customers' side and increases comfortability of users of buildings at the same time.

Cost reduction and "Total Energy Management Service" service fee

*Please note that the facilities the "Total Energy Management Service" can not be handled as a lease but categorized as "building and attached structure".